Source code for pyrally.models

For the latest API information go to
from pyrally.rally_access import get_accessor

from pyrally.register import register_type, API_OBJECT_TYPES

[docs]class ReferenceNotFoundException(Exception): pass
[docs]def get_query_clauses(clauses, joiner=' and '): """ Return clauses used for querying objects from the API. :param clauses: A list of clause strings to be joined in the correct fashion using ``joiner`` and brackets :param: joiner: This should either be `` and `` or `` or ``. All clauses in ``clause`` are joined together using this operator. :returns: A single query_clause string containing all of ``clauses``. """ if len(clauses) == 1: return '{0}'.format(clauses[0]) else: total_clauses = [] first_two = clauses[:2] for clause in first_two: formatted_clause = '({0})'.format(get_query_clauses([clause])) total_clauses.append(formatted_clause) new_clauses = [] new_clauses.append(joiner.join(total_clauses)) if len(clauses) > 2: new_clauses.extend(clauses[2:]) return get_query_clauses(new_clauses, joiner)
[docs]class RegisterModels(type): """A metaclass used for registering all BaseRallyModel subclasses""" def __init__(cls, name, bases, attrs): try: # If the class being defined does not inherit from BaseRallyModel # We don't want to register it. if BaseRallyModel not in bases: return except NameError: return register_type(cls)
[docs]class BaseRallyModel(object): __metaclass__ = RegisterModels sub_objects_dynamic_loader = {} """A dictionary of ``property_name``: ``key_name``. Where ``property_name`` is the name of a property on the class which refers to a dynamically loaded list of items found in the ``rally_data`` key ``key_name``. """ def __init__(self, data_dict={}): self._full_sub_objects = {} self.rally_data = data_dict def __getattribute__(self, attr_name): """Patch the default __getattribute__ call to be better for us. Rather than *only* looking at the __dict__ of the object do determine attribute resolution, improve so that: * Attributes are looked at in the underlying ``rally_data`` stored against the object. * If found in this data and it is a dictionary, load a new python object up with the data. * Otherwise, just return the data. * If not found there, attributes are looked at in ``sub_objects_dynamic_loader``. This is a dictionary of ``property_name`` to ``rally_data`` key. If ``attr_name`` exists in this mapping, the corresponding data is dynamically loaded and returned. * If neither of these yield results, return the standard object __getattribute__ result. """ # Filter out the attributes we require to make decisions in this # method. Otherwise, we'll get "Maximum recursion depth" errors. if attr_name in ['rally_data', 'sub_objects_dynamic_loader', '_full_sub_objects']: return object.__getattribute__(self, attr_name) rally_data = object.__getattribute__(self, 'rally_data') if attr_name in rally_data: rally_item = rally_data[attr_name] if isinstance(rally_item, dict) and '_ref' in rally_item: rally_name = rally_item['_type'] object_class = API_OBJECT_TYPES.get(rally_name, BaseRallyModel) try: return object_class.create_from_ref(rally_item['_ref']) except ReferenceNotFoundException: return None else: return rally_item else: # If it is not in the rally data, let's check if we're trying to # access an auto-loading attribute. if attr_name in self.sub_objects_dynamic_loader: if attr_name not in self._full_sub_objects: rally_data_equivalent = \ self.sub_objects_dynamic_loader[attr_name] self._full_sub_objects[attr_name] = [] for skeleton in self.rally_data.get(rally_data_equivalent, []): rally_name = skeleton['_type'] object_class = API_OBJECT_TYPES.get(rally_name, BaseRallyModel) self._full_sub_objects[attr_name].append( object_class.create_from_ref( skeleton['_ref'])) return self._full_sub_objects[attr_name] return object.__getattribute__(self, attr_name) def __setattr__(self, name, value): """ Set the attribute ``name`` to ``value``. If the value is present as a key in in self.rally_data, then we'll set it there, otherwise we will set it on self. """ if hasattr(self, 'rally_data') and name in self.rally_data: self.rally_data[name] = value else: super(BaseRallyModel, self).__setattr__(name, value) @classmethod
[docs] def set_cache_timeout(cls, timeout): """Set the cache timeout for this object type. :param timeout: The timeout to set against this object type. """ get_accessor().set_cache_timeout(cls.rally_name, timeout)
[docs] def create_from_ref(cls, reference): """Create an instance of ``cls`` by getting data for ``reference``. :param reference: The full url reference to make an api call with. :returns: A populated :py:exc:`~pyrally.models.BaseRallyModel` inheriting instance which matches the reference. :raises: A :py:class:`~pyrally.models.ReferenceNotFoundException` if we get any error back from the API. """ response = get_accessor().make_api_call(reference, True) errors = response.get('OperationResult', {'Errors': []}).get('Errors') if errors: msg = """ Failure: {0}-{1}: {2}. If you called this directly, check that you've got the right reference number. Otherwise, it's highly likely that the reference was left hanging around in Rally after a delete (eg if a User was deleted). """.format(cls, reference, errors) raise ReferenceNotFoundException(msg) return cls(response[cls.rally_name])
[docs] def get_all(cls, clauses=None): """ Return all the items for the rally class. :param clauses: Optional parameter of a list of clauses to be ``and`` ed together by :py:func:`~pyrally.models.get_query_clauses`. :returns: A list of :py:class:`~pyrally.models.BaseRallyModel` inheriting objects. """ if clauses: query_string = get_query_clauses(clauses) else: query_string = '' results = cls.get_all_results_for_query(query_string) return cls.convert_from_query_result(results, full_objects=True)
[docs] def get_all_results_for_query(cls, query_string): """ Return all the results for the given query. Increment the ``start`` argument until entire result set has been retrieved and return just the results. :param query_string: The query to filter results by. If None, all results are returned for the object. :returns: A list of full object results (ie fetch=true is set in the API GET) """ more_pages = True start_index = 1 all_results = [] while more_pages: query_result_dict = cls._get_results_page(query_string, start_index) all_results.extend(query_result_dict['Results']) start_index = (query_result_dict['PageSize'] + query_result_dict['StartIndex']) total_results = query_result_dict['TotalResultCount'] more_pages = len(all_results) < total_results return all_results
[docs] def _get_results_page(cls, query_string, start_index=1): """ Get a page of results for the query given. :param query_string: The string to get results for. If ``None``, or ``""``, no query is passed in and all objects for the class will be returned. :param start_index: The 1-based offset to fetch from. A pagesize of 100 is returned. :returns: The QueryResult entity as returned by the API, containing at most 100 results. :raises: Exception if ['QueryResult']['Errors'] contains anything. """ query_arg = "" if query_string: query_arg = "query=({0})&".format(query_string) url = "{0}.js?{1}pagesize=100&start={2}&fetch=true".format( cls.rally_name.lower(), query_arg, start_index) query_result_dict = get_accessor().make_api_call(url) if query_result_dict['QueryResult']['Errors']: raise Exception('Errors in query: {0}'.format( query_result_dict['QueryResult']['Errors'])) return query_result_dict['QueryResult']
[docs] def convert_from_query_result(cls, results, full_objects=False): """Convert a set of Rally results into python objects. :param results: An iterable of results from the Rally API. :param full_objects: Boolean. If ``True``, ``results`` is assumed to contain full objects as returned by the API when ``fetch=True`` is included in the URL. If ``False``, the full object data is fetched using :py:meth:`~pyrally.models.BaseRallyModel.create_from_ref`. :returns: A list of full :py:class:`~pyrally.models.BaseRallyModel` inheriting python objects. """ converted_results = [] for result in results: object_class = API_OBJECT_TYPES.get(result['_type'], BaseRallyModel) if full_objects: new_obj = object_class(result) else: new_obj = object_class.create_from_ref(result['_ref']) converted_results.append(new_obj) return converted_results
[docs] def get_by_formatted_id(cls, formatted_id): """Return all the objects by the given formatted_id. :param name: The name to search for. The get is performed by setting FormattedID=``formatted_id`` in the url. :returns: A single :py:class:`~pyrally.models.BaseRallyModel` inheriting object with the FormattedID = formatted_id. Or ``None`` if one cannot be found. """ clauses = ['FormattedID = "{0}"'.format(formatted_id)] all_objects = cls.get_all(clauses) # Strangely, this returns for us444: de444, ta444 and us444. for obj in all_objects: if obj.FormattedID.lower() == formatted_id.lower(): return obj return None
[docs] def update(self, **kwargs): """Update all the attributes in ``rally_data`` specified in kwargs.""" for attrname, value in kwargs.items(): self.rally_data[attrname] = value
@property def title(self): """Property for getting the title of an object. :returns: The attribute found in the key ``_refObjectName`` in the data back from the API """ return self._refObjectName @property def ref(self): return self.rally_data.get('_ref')
[docs] def update_rally(self, refresh=True): """Update or create ``self`` on Rally. If there is no sign of a _ref internally, a create is sent, otherwise an update is sent. :param refresh: Used on creates. If ``True`` a fetch is performed after the object is created in Rally and ``self`` is populated with the new data. :returns: The response from the server. """ if self.ref: # Do update data = {self.rally_name: self.rally_data} response = get_accessor().make_api_call(self.ref, True, method='POST', data=data) if response['OperationResult']['Errors']: raise Exception('Errors in query: {0}'.format( response['OperationResult']['Errors'])) else: data = {self.rally_name: self.rally_data} url = "{0}/create.js".format(self.rally_name.lower()) response = get_accessor().make_api_call(url, method='POST', data=data) if response['CreateResult']['Errors']: raise Exception('Errors in query: {0}'.format( response['CreateResult']['Errors'])) reference = response['CreateResult']['Object']['_ref'] if refresh: self.delete_from_cache() new_data = get_accessor().make_api_call(reference, True) self.rally_data = new_data[self.rally_name] return response
[docs] def delete(self): """Delete this object from Rally""" if not self.ref: raise Exception("Cannot delete item that is not synced with Rally." " If you've just created this item try running" "update_rally().") response = get_accessor().make_api_call(self.ref, True, method='DELETE') if response['OperationResult']['Errors']: raise Exception('Errors in delete: {0}'.format( response['OperationResult']['Errors'])) self.delete_from_cache()
[docs] def delete_from_cache(self): """Remove this item from the cache""" get_accessor().delete_from_cache(self.rally_name, self.ref)
[docs]class Artifact(BaseRallyModel): rally_name = 'Artifact'
[docs]class Task(BaseRallyModel): rally_name = 'Task' @classmethod
[docs] def get_all_for_story(cls, story_id): """ Get all the tasks for the given ``story_id``. :param story_id: The USXXX or DEXXX parent ID of a task to search for. :returns: A list of ``Task`` objects, as returned by get_all """ clauses = ['WorkProduct.FormattedId = "{0}"'.format(story_id)] return cls.get_all(clauses)
[docs]class HierarchicalRequirement(BaseRallyModel): rally_name = 'HierarchicalRequirement' sub_objects_dynamic_loader = {'tasks': 'Tasks', 'children': 'Children'} @classmethod
[docs] def get_all_in_kanban_states(cls, kanban_states): """ Get all the stories in the given kanban_state. :param kanban_state: A list of kanban states to search on. :returns: A list of ``Story`` objects, as returned by get_all """ or_clauses = ['KanbanState = "{0}"'.format(state) \ for state in kanban_states] clauses = get_query_clauses(or_clauses, ' or ') return cls.get_all([clauses])
[docs] def get_all_in_iteration(cls, iteration_name): clauses = ['Iteration.Name = "{0}"'.format(iteration_name)] return cls.get_all(clauses)
@property def rally_url(self): story_id = self.ref.split('/')[-1].replace('.js', '') base_url = get_accessor().base_url url = "{0}slm/rally.sp#/detail/userstory/{1}".format(base_url, story_id) return url
[docs]class Defect(BaseRallyModel): rally_name = "Defect" sub_objects_dynamic_loader = {'tasks': 'Tasks'} @classmethod
[docs] def get_all_in_kanban_states(cls, kanban_states): """ Get all the defects in the given kanban_state. :param kanban_state: A list of kanban states to search on. :returns: A list of ``Defect`` objects, as returned by get_all """ or_clauses = ['KanbanState = "{0}"'.format(state) \ for state in kanban_states] clauses = get_query_clauses(or_clauses, ' or ') return cls.get_all([clauses])
@property def rally_url(self): defect_id = self.ref.split('/')[-1].replace('.js', '') base_url = get_accessor().base_url url = "{0}slm/rally.sp#/detail/defect/{1}".format(base_url, defect_id) return url
[docs]class User(BaseRallyModel): rally_name = 'User'
[docs]class Iteration(BaseRallyModel): rally_name = 'Iteration'
[docs]class Project(BaseRallyModel): rally_name = 'Project'
[docs]class Workspace(BaseRallyModel): rally_name = 'Workspace'
[docs]class Release(BaseRallyModel): rally_name = 'Release'
[docs]class TestCase(BaseRallyModel): rally_name = 'TestCase' # Aliases
Story = HierarchicalRequirement