Source code for pyrally.tests.functional.test_models

from mock import patch, Mock
from import assert_equal, assert_raises, assert_false

from pyrally.models import BaseRallyModel, ReferenceNotFoundException

[docs]def test_get_attribute_behaviour_getting_attributes_from_dictionary(): """Test ``__get_attribute__`` behaviour works as expected. Test that :py:class:`~pyrally.models.BaseRallyModel` classes look not only at attributes held within __dict__, but also to keys in the dictionary passed when instantiating. """ test_data = {'_mock_test_data_key': 'test'} brm = BaseRallyModel(test_data) # check we can get an attribute as usual assert_equal(brm.rally_data, test_data) # check we can get an attribute from the dictionary of test data assert_equal(brm._mock_test_data_key, 'test') # check that we still get AttributeErrors when the attribute can't be found assert_raises(AttributeError, getattr, brm, 'some_other_attr')
[docs]def test_get_attribute_behaviour_dynamically_loading_objects(API_OBJECT_TYPES): """Test ``__get_attribute__`` loads objects dynamically if required. Test that :py:class:`~pyrally.models.BaseRallyModel` classes dynamically load content using Rally API calls when required. It does this when a dictionary is found at the attribute location in the dictionary given at instatiation and there is a ``_ref`` key within that dictionary. """ mock_baserally_obj = Mock() mock_create_from_ref = mock_baserally_obj.create_from_ref API_OBJECT_TYPES.get.return_value = mock_baserally_obj test_data = {'mock_test_data_key': {'_ref': 'some_reference', '_type': 'api_type'}} brm = BaseRallyModel(test_data) # Access an attribute of a remote object. remote_fred_attr = brm.mock_test_data_key.fred assert_equal(remote_fred_attr, mock_create_from_ref.return_value.fred) assert_equal(API_OBJECT_TYPES.get.call_args[0], ('api_type', BaseRallyModel)) assert_equal(mock_create_from_ref.call_args[0], ('some_reference', ))
[docs]def test_get_attribute_behaviour_dynamically_loading_object_lists( API_OBJECT_TYPES): """Test ``__get_attribute__`` loads object lists dynamically if required. Test that :py:class:`~pyrally.models.BaseRallyModel` classes dynamically load sub-content using Rally API calls when required. It does this when an attribute is given that is defined in ``sub_objects_dynamic_loader``. In such circumstances the mapped key should be used and all sub items in that key fetched from the server. """ mock_baserally_obj = Mock() mock_create_from_ref = mock_baserally_obj.create_from_ref API_OBJECT_TYPES.get.return_value = mock_baserally_obj test_data = {'dynamic_sub_object': [{'_ref': 'some_reference_1', '_type': 'api_type'}, {'_ref': 'some_reference_2', '_type': 'api_type'}, ]} brm = BaseRallyModel(test_data) brm.sub_objects_dynamic_loader = {'test_property': 'dynamic_sub_object'} dynamic_content = brm.test_property # Check that this is now stored in the object for use later. assert_equal(dynamic_content, brm._full_sub_objects['test_property']) assert_equal(dynamic_content, [mock_create_from_ref.return_value, mock_create_from_ref.return_value]) assert_equal(API_OBJECT_TYPES.get.call_count, 2) assert_equal(mock_create_from_ref.call_count, 2)
[docs]def test_get_attribute_dynamically_loading_objects_no_reference( API_OBJECT_TYPES): """Test ``__get_attribute__`` handles ```ReferenceNotFoundException`` s Test that :py:class:`~pyrally.models.BaseRallyModel` classes handle the case where :py:class:`~pyrally.models.ReferenceNotFoundException` is raised during the call to ``create_from_ref``. None is returned in these circumstances. """ mock_baserally_obj = Mock() mock_create_from_ref = mock_baserally_obj.create_from_ref mock_create_from_ref.side_effect = ReferenceNotFoundException('Some Error') API_OBJECT_TYPES.get.return_value = mock_baserally_obj test_data = {'mock_test_data_key': {'_ref': 'some_reference', '_type': 'api_type'}} brm = BaseRallyModel(test_data) # Access an attribute of a remote object. remote_attr = brm.mock_test_data_key assert_equal(remote_attr, None) assert_equal(API_OBJECT_TYPES.get.call_args[0], ('api_type', BaseRallyModel)) assert_equal(mock_create_from_ref.call_args[0], ('some_reference', ))
[docs]def test_set_attr_behaviour(): """Test ``__setattr__`` applies changes correctly. Test that: * If the key is present in rally_data, it is updated * Otherwise the attribute is updated on the object """ brm = BaseRallyModel({'a': '1', 'b': '2'}) brm.x = 'fred' assert_equal(brm.x, 'fred') assert_false('x' in brm.rally_data) brm.a = 'changed' assert_equal(brm.rally_data['a'], 'changed') # And this works because of __getattribute__'s redirect: assert_equal(brm.a, 'changed')